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Why as a British Romanian I have to go to Romania to renew my ID in?

As a British Romanian, who was unable to get back to renew mine during the peak of the pandemic I think I am well placed to answer this. We are no longer UE citizens and as such are treated as third country nationals now. Presumably you already had your Ro status in place before Brexit? If so it couldn't be easier, you go to your Jude immigration office, show them your pre brexit ID, make the cerere providing the documentation, wait 30 days and go and collect the new one. So Canadians don't have to appear in person..I was unaware of this, but does it really matter? Romania has been more than generous to brits throughout this whole fuck up and personally I think you are best not to whinge too much. Compared to Spain for example, Romnia have remained exceptionally flexible. Be glad, buy a couple of cheap wizz tickets and get it sorted.

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